Modern Slavery Policy

1. Introduction

Elite London Home Cinemas is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business and supply chain.

2. Our Commitment

We strive to act ethically and with integrity in all business dealings. We implement and enforce effective systems to ensure modern slavery is not taking place.

3. Supply Chain Standards

We require our suppliers to adhere to our anti-slavery policies. We conduct due diligence and audits to ensure compliance.

4. Training

We provide training to our staff to recognize and prevent modern slavery and human trafficking.

5. Reporting

Employees and stakeholders can report any concerns regarding modern slavery. All reports are taken seriously and investigated promptly.

6. Continuous Improvement

We regularly review and improve our policies and practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

7. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at:

Elite London Home Cinemas
18 Soho Square,
London W1D 3QH